Thursday, 14 February 2013

A brilliant day of crafting...

As most of you will know yesterday Jo and I attended a crafting day course.  It was organised by one of our friends at her house [Thank you for being a wonderful hostess Jacqui] and there was just 7 of us there plus of course the amazingly talented Maryke who's course it was.  It was an inspirational day on felt book making and I have collaged some of the pictures here to let you see why the first hour was spent with a room full of ladies oooohing and awwwing whilst handling and striking Maryke's amazing books.....Yes girls we were able and actually encouraged to handle these amazing works of art.  :-)

You should be able to enlarge these collages if you click on the pics and I'm certain you will be as wowed as we were.....In the first collage at the top left hand corner is a peep at the starting phase of my book made with the wonderful materials Maryke sells and using some of the techniques we were taught on the day.....I've a long way to go yet as you can see but that's to be expected as Maryke says each of her big books take months of sewing in every spare minute to complete [and I don't have many spare minutes as you will know :-) ]

If you would like to see more of what Maryke does and buy any of her wonderful materials please check out her web site here.


1. mamapez5 said...

These are fabulous Annie. And I bet yours will be too. Hugs. Kate x

2. Chrysalis said...

What gorgeous goodies - looking forward to seeing what you made. Isn't it lovely to share time with like-minded folk and be inspired to try something new?! Happy Valentine's Day. x

3. Helen said...

Wow, Annie!! They are fabulous - no matter how long yours takes I know it will be just a beautiful.

4. Twiglet said...

Fab time was certainly had by all!! I love all the photos Annie!! x Jo

5. Ann B said...

No wonder there were 'Oohs and ahhhs' these are fabulous and so richly coloured.
Lucky you having the workshop.
Ann B

6. Julia Dunnit said...

Eveb if you never finish, it was worth every minute..there really is nothing like a course of any sort, to inspire. So glad you enjoyed. Beautiful works.

7. BumbleVee said...

awww you guys must have had a blast..... I'm envious.... just having a fun day with a group of like minded ladies must have been fun all by itself...never mind seeing and doing with amazing 'stuff'.....

8. JoZart Designs said...

Fantastic ! What a day you must have had and you will achieve wonders with such inspiration. I particularly love all the ones with little pockets. They are fascinating.
You aren't going mad with me skipping from 12 to 14... it was intentional as the families of the children, who are donated the quilts, can come to visit the blog and read about their quilt via it's number and date and I wouldn't want anyone upset (if they are superstitious) to get a quilt No13! They are all happy quilts!
love Jo x

9. Linda D said...

Wow! I'm obviously going to have to start a new hobby.

10. famfa said...

Wow amazing

11. Carol said...

Fantastic. It is just wonderful to spend time with like minded (and talented) people.
Carol xx

12. Neet said...

Cannot decide is it a WOW moment or an Oh Em Gee one. Those are amazing. Off to check her site now.
Thanks for sharing
Hugs, Neet xx

13. Kezzy said...

Wow Annie you must have really enjoyed that day, I bet it was really interesting. Hugs Kezzy :-) xxx