Friday, 18 March 2016

This week's smiles....week 162

Hello all.  Lots of you joined in the fun again last week and I thank you all for making the world a happier place to be.

I am featuring Jo's blog from last week with her gorgeous quilt and all her fab pics of Spring flowers .....they really made me smile Jo so thanks for sharing them.  Spring really is my fav time of the year.

As ever life has been pretty hectic here but it's given us lots to smile about.  I shared the exciting news about the increasing numbers of our little family members, God willing, in September and I'm knitting in every spare minute [as Nannies do when they hear this sort of news].  Our Grandchildren never fail to give us reasons to smile so the thought of having another one is simply wonderful.  I have a couple of pics to share with you all this week and I'm sure you will understand why...

Here's Phoebe and Lulu with their new swimming certificates. Phoebe has just swam 10m and Lulu has swam her 5m and can't you just see how proud and excited they are to show me?  I am so thrilled to share their achievements and love them to bits.

Their little brother Steve is such a loving little boy and yesterday he asked his mummy if he could go outside because he said he 'needed to do something'......a few minutes later he came back in and presented his mummy with the flowers he'd picked for her.  Doesn't he just melt your heart?

One of the other things that's made us smile is this......I know it's awful isn't it?  
The reason it's making us smile is because yesterday it was taken out and replaced with this.......

Now doesn't that look better?  And wouldn't you be smiling too if it was yours?
....and what is making us smile even more is that awful green carpet is being replaced next Tuesday too and eventually the walls will be stripped and replaced with something rather more modern....probably wallpaper but we won't know for sure until we strip off that awful blown vinyl wall paper.

So there you do.....I've shown you what's been making us smile this week now please link up below and show us yours.
Annie x


1. Lilly's Mom said...

The girls look so adorable holding their certificates. Your new fireplace is so nice. I'm sure it will be fun redecorating. Wishing you the best, Pat

2. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was here at 12:30 my time and kept clicking and refreshing. It took nearly 15 minutes for me to realize YOU are not on daylight savings time yet. DUH!!! That should make you smile.

Loved how the girls are getting new certificates every year. They will be lifeguards before you know it.

OK, I hate to tell you (and I probably shouldn't) but I loved the surround on your old fireplace. I'm a real wood person and that wood was incredible. Of course, the new fireplace is lovely, and it does echo the old one, but I would have kept the wood and found a way to repurpose it, if I had it. I can see making boxes out of the bases and I would have thought of ways to reuse the columns. I agree the thing as it was shown was ugly.

Sorry I got so windy this week, but lots of people asked me to share my rocking horses, so I showed a few of them today.

Have a fantastic weekend and a great Friday.

3. Twiglet said...

Well done girls - following in Mummy's footsteps or swimming strokes. I love the fireplace Annie - you will soon be straight. That pic of Steve so looks like Mark!. x Jo

4. Lynn Holland said...

What a lovely post Annie, I really enjoyed it. Lots going on and lots of wonderful smiles both on and off screen
Lynn xx

5. Lisca said...

Now those are loits of nice smiles! Your grandies look so proud of their swimming certificates, bless 'em.

And Steve picking flowers for mummy is heart warming. So sweet.

Yes, I do like your fireplace. I love the color (duck egg) and the gasfire is great. It will be much more efficient than the old one and a joy to sit by on cold winter evenings. Also handy for the in between season when your heating is off but you can get cold nights.
Sorry for the late comment. The electrician is working and he had to turn the power off, so no computer, no wifi etc.

Thanks for your visit, have a great week, and may your smiles continue.

6. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie you are so lucky they are all gorgeous. I can understand the smile on the girls faces for getting their swimming certificates. This will make you laugh... I was 25 before I learned to swim and boy I felt just the same Lol! I'm a bit late this morning as it's been a busy week. Almost got all the ski gear sorted went to my mums Tuesday, NEC Hobbycrafts yesterday so stayed in bed a bit longer this morning and now we are going food shopping and between all that tired to get a bit of crafting done, never a dull moment! Have a great weekend. Big hugs, Angela xXx

7. Virginia said...

Love the happy smiling faces and that fire place is beautiful I'm not surprised it has made you happy!

8. mamapez5 said...

Well done to the girls. It is so important for them to learn to swim. My boys were all water babies, and it made life so much easier when we went on holiday, knowing they knew how to handle themselves in the water. So congratulations Phoebe and Sophie.
I love the little lad picking flowers for his mummy. Adorable.
The new fire place is lovely. Such a `pretty colour too. It is all coming together now Annie.
And a new baby to look forward to as well. Wonderful news.
Kate x

9. Hettie said...

Ooooo! I just had to scan (xcuse the pun) and look to see your news. Yeay!!! Another little one to share in the happy family life. How exciting.
Congrats to the happy couple.
Well done to Phoebe and Sophie. I love that photo of them. So excited and proud. And so they should be.
As for the romantic picking flowers.. priceless!
Liking your fireplace. I cannot believe that you can actually get enough room in your lounge to see it now!! LOL!

10. mamapez5 said...

Sorry Lulu!! I told you Sophie was an obsession! Kate x

11. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well, am twelve hours later Annie but better late than never!
What a lovely post!

Such wonderful sharings indeed, some "heart melters" there from proud certificate winners to the little lad picking flowers for his mummy.. and wonderful new news on the way too ...

Great smiles this week Annie!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}